Our History
In addition to the below projects, we have many annual services.
Major Projects
- Annandale City Pavilion (1993-1998) Our largest ever construction project spanning multiple years... Photos and more
Veterans Memorial Park (2001-2003) A dedication to the men and women who have fought for our freedom! Photos and more
City Park playground (2006) Enhancing the Pavilion area, this new playground equipment was very much needed and is now a great asset to the City's park... Photos and more
Annandale High School Concession Stand (2008) Photos and more
Willow Park playground (2009) Photos and more
Community Storage Shed (2010) Photos and more
Annandale School playground (2013) Spearheaded by Lion Red Petersen, after 3 long (and very hot) days in July, we assembled some very nice equipment for the school. Photos YouTube
Southbrook Area playground (2013 & 2014) We funded a large portion of the project and July 2013 assembled the equipment for the Southbrook area community.
Annandale Recreational Park Concession Stand (2018) Along with partially funding, we volunteered a lot of labor assisting Leo and Jim of Liman Post and Beam in the construction. Photos and more
Big Woods playground (2022) Pictures
Various projects and our presidential history
Presidential year begins in July. *Denotes Charter Members
- 2024-2025 - Presidents Jim Marsh/Randall Berns
- Youth Fishing was held. Very cold and windy. There were about 50 kids, all receiving fishing rod, snack and treats.
- 6 members participated in the Polar Plunge rasing funds for Special Olympics.
- 2023-2024 - Presidents Dallas Salmela/Jim Marsh
- Memorial Day, we cooked up a nice breakfast for the Veterans and their guests.
- Hosted a 'gaming room' for the All Night Graduation party where the grads' won various prizes.
- Breakfast with Santa where 1100 people enjoyed our pancakes, eggs and sausage. 542 toys were handed out. We rasied $4042 and almost #700 for the food shelf.
- Assisted at the KCCP Holiday Train event collecting #1135 food donations and over $11,000. What a great event!
- 2022-2023 - Presidents Nick Hadfield/Dallas Salmela
- (Partially) financed handicap flooring for the school playground. (pic)
- Co-sponsored the All Star Clown Show at Annandale High School.
- Lions gathered April to build 17 large and 3 smaller
planter boxes for the residents of Pleasant Vista. They
started at 3:00 PM and finished at about 6:30 PM. The boxes
were set outside and are ready to be filled with potting
soil. Residents can request a planter box to raise their
own vegetables and flowers. The Lions bought 20 large bags
of potting soil to get them started. The Project was led by
Kent Davidson, Mark Miller, Myron Morris and Red Petersen.
The construction was done by Dallas and his son, President
Nick, Steve Hoien, Steve Thompson, Dwight, Jack, Mike Nelson
and Peter Bevens. What a great crew!
Red. - Youth Fishing event (cancelled due to ice conditions)
- Assisted the city with finance and labor for another playground by the Big Woods ball field.
- Collected food and donations for the Food Shelf at the CP Holiday train event.
- Breakfast with Santa moved to the school. 512 children received a great pancake breakfast, gifts, cookies and photo's with Santa. This event also rasied $4,000 and 675# of food for the Food Shelf.
- 2021-2022 - Presidents Kurt Jonas/Nick Hadfield
- A few brave members participated in the Polar Plunge rasing money for the Special Olympics. Rumor has it one member only put his toes in :-)
- Breakfast with Santa drive-thru. Toys, pictures with Santa and a breakfast burrito were available to all cars driving through. Meet the Elves.
- Youth fishing event (Lions Kurt Jonas, Pat Hill): It was -14 in the morning and by the end of the event it was -4. We had about 80 kids which is about half of normal. It was well staffed by Lions and everything went smoothly. We had many fish caught. Mostly small sunfish or perch. We did have a few northern pike caught with the biggest fish coming in around 5 pounds. We gave every kid a prize for bringing up any fish. We gave away hats, rod reel combos, decals, jigs, lures, ice scoops and other fishing swag. We handed each kid that showed up a rod reel combo, a raffle ticket and a snack bag that had a bottle of water, a granola bar, a bag of goldfish crackers, a bag of fruit snacks and a ring pop. Pictures from this year.
- Easter Egg Hunt estimated 380 kids received candy, golden eggs containing money and other prizes.
- Health screening at Annandale's Expo. 31 Adults screened. 18 found with higher than normal blood pressues and 7 refered to their doctors.
- Help the City purchase and build the Big Woods playground. Pictures
- 2020-2021 - Presidents: John Bergstrand/Kurt Jonas
- Covid precluded some of our regular events
- Rebuild of Pavilion Kitchen
- Youth fishing event (Lions Kurt Jonas, Pat Hill): We handed out about 150 rod/reel combinations and goodies bags. Some 300 holes drilled (through 2 feet of ice) mostly by the fishing team volunteers. 20 Lions members and spouses there to help out. Great weather! A few pictures from this year.
- With COVID still being prevalent, we once again held the Santa drive through event. Along with toys for the kids, this year we handed out breakfast burritos and treats.
- 2019-2020 - Presidents: Russ Fortner/John Bergstrand
- Youth Fishing (Lions Kurt Jonas, Pat Hill). This year we supplied about 160 kids with rod/reels, tackle boxes, hot dogs and warm drinks. Pictures from this year.
- Sunset Ridges pizza party.
- Various cook events with the trailer.
- Santa Drive through. COVID shutdown our Breakfast with Santa but needing to do something for the kids, Kurt Jonas spearheaded a drive through at the school parking lot where kids could pick toys/games from hundreds we had arranged on tables.
- 2018-2019 - Presidents: Steven Thompson/Russ Fortner
- Second annual youth fishing contest attended by 150 children and some 100 adults. We gave each child a rod and reel, supplied dogs, brats and warm beverage. This year while a bit cold was at least windless. Because of the colder weather and heavy snow falls, preparing the lake and drilling holes took a lot longer than the previous year. A few pictures from this year.
- Assist Girl Scouts with their bat house project.
- Continued work on the new Recreational Park's concession stand.
- Sunset Ridges pizza party.
- Various cook events with the trailer.
- 2017-2018 - Presidents: Sheldon Brown/Steven Thompson
- A few years ago, we took over the local youth fishing contest from the Conservation Club but unfortunately, the weather has not cooperated until this year. So 2018 was our first annual youth fishing contest. We supplied fishing rods, warm food and beverages for all kids. This year we had some 300 adults and 180 children attend. It was a reasonably comfortable day but there was a strong wind for the last couple hours. No record breaking fish, mostly Northern Pike 2-6# range. Pictures here.
- In cooperation with Montrose Lions club, this is our first year offering Kidsight eye screening at the Annandale Expo. We screened 37 kids resulting in 2 referrals for additional examinations.
- Cooked and served burgers to the Sunshine Ridge residents.
- An even numbered year so we again sponsored and promoted the Culpepper Merriweather Circus. Lions John and Guy have once again, been instrumental in this community project.
- We helped fund and assisted in the building of the concession/announcer's stand at Annandale's new multi-field sports complex. More information.
- Held another "pizza party" for the Sunset Ridges residents and donated a new 3-burner grill to make their summer outings a bit more pleasant.
- 2016-2017 - Presidents: Al Nerheim/Sheldon Brown
- Added air conditioning to the Pavilion's upper level.
- With the help of Dean Flygare Excavating, we removed the old Veterans Memorial Park concrete sign and replaced with matching black granite giving the park a new, cleaner look and the respect it deserves.
- Clothing drive for the Sunset Ridge's residents.
- Cooked and served burgers to the Sunshine Ridge residents.
- Annually we award 14 scholarships and as of the 2017-2018 school year, the Annandale Lions have awarded over $100,000 in scholarships to AHS students.
In addition to
our regular events and venues, our cook trailer
also raised funds at:
- Softball under the Lights event. Proceeds to Infant Henry fundraiser.
- Relay for Life in Buffalo. Proceeds to Relay for Life.
- Dad's / kid's pancake breakfast
- 2015-2016 - Presidents: Kent Davidson/Al Nerheim
- This year the Annandale Lions again sponsored and promoted the circus.
- Cosponsored and assembled a wheelchair accessible swing at the school.
- Other burger cooking events this year:
- Cooked and served burgers to the Sunshine Ridge residents.
- French Lake Auto 60th celebration
- Hosted Vegas night at the Annandale 4th of July Celebration Gala.
- 2014-2015 - Presidents: Corey Czycalla/Kent Davidson
- June/July we expanded the Southbrook area playground to include a large picnic shelter. Many thanks to Leo Kill, Liman Post and Beam and Mike Nelson Construction.
- Annandale hosts a 5 day July 4th celebration and part of that is the Gala. This year we hosted a Vegas night where guests played various games. It was a big hit and a good time for all.
- 2013-2014 - Presidents: Steve Michel/Corey Czycalla
- In February, 3 Fairhaven Lions and 6 Annandale Lions members assisted the Care Center with their first ever Casino Night. The two clubs brought in various gaming tables and supplies for the seniors to play. No actual gambling of course but there sure would have been some big winners! Great time by all. So much so, this may become a twice a year event...
- Installed benches at the local elementary school playground.
- Rebuilt the City's Kiosk located at the corner of Hwy 24 and Oak. Big thanks to Mike Nelson for the time, equipment and his employee's time.
- Erected fencing for a family having Autistic children.
- Multiple occasions this year cooking for other organizations and the community including: Anniversaries for Country Chevrolet, Lundeen Ford and Oak Realty plus 2 town street dances, Heart of the Lake Triathlon, St Ignatius Fall Festival, and of course; five days the 4th of July Celebration and Pancakes with Santa
- Lion Russ coordinated the circus event. Great community event attended by many children young and old.
- A little more work in Clock Tower Park
- Breakfast with Santa and CPR Holiday Train support
- 2012-2013 - Presidents: Edgar "Skip" Hall/Steve Michel
- Renewed sponsorship for the Boy Scout Troup 354
- Assembled a large playground on the new Annandale school grounds
- Funded and assembled playground in the Southbrook area.
- Through a grant from the Morgan Family Foundation, we built a new concession trailer so we can attend even more events to raise community funds for the area. Inauguration was the 2013 Independence Day Celebration in Annandale...
- 2011-2012 - Presidents: Donald Nelson/Edgar "Skip" Hall
- Earlier in the year our members purchased materials for, and built 15 wheel chair accessible planters for the local care center. Residents were thrilled they could once again, dig into soil and plant flowers. Kent Davidson project chair.
- During the summer, various members volunteered their time to help with Clock Tower park. This consisted of various task like removing an old fence and sod, preparing the ground, installing fencing, ground cover, etc.
- The Annandale Area Community Team transformed the "clock tower" corner into a small mid-town park. Annandale Lions members volunteered removing the old fencing, installing new and with ground preparation...
- This year Annandale Lion Paul Hanson became District Governor.
- Celebrating our 50th year of community service, we held a medallion hunt. Through pictures of our past projects in stores and written hints in the local newspaper, it turned out to be a fun little community effort. The finder was awarded $200. Ed Mader found he medallion and in the sprit of the event, donated the funds to the Pleasant Lake Association.
- Our 50th celebration was held at Reichel's Event Center on November 10th. In attendance were about 90 people including: representatives and spouses from 10 other clubs, District Governor Paul Hansen, various PDG's, PID's and other dignitaries from the Lions. Annandale's Mayor Marlene Young, City Administrator Kelly Hinnenkamp and 20 Annandale Lion members and their spouses... Our guest speaker PID Lion Debra Wasserman gave an extraordinary and memorizing oration. 50th Anniversary
- 2010-2011 - Presidents: Justin Wisner/Donald Nelson
- The local Chamber was unable to get enough volunteers to head and work the bi-annual circus, so Lion Russ Fortner took on the job and then recruited other members to assist. The traveling circus is always a big hit with the kids...
- Various members volunteered to help re-stain/repaint Kardinal Kingdom playground.
- 2009-2010 - Presidents: Bruce Karg/Justin Wisner
- We built a large community storage facility where various organizations could store things. For example; the Chamber stores the parade float, the city stores winter/Christmas decorations, we store our burger trailer and so on.
- This was there year the Annandale Lions through charitable gambling surpassed the one-million dollar mark in donations.
- 2008-2009 - Presidents: Mark Vogt/Bruce Karg
- This year's large project was purchasing and replacing the playground equipment at Willow Park.
- A few members and a couple days in the fall replacing the roof on the skating rink warming house.
- 2007-2008 - President: LaWayne "Red" Petersen/Mark Vogt
- The local conservation club has been running a burger stand at the annual 4th of July Celebration, but having difficulty getting volunteers, they asked if we would take it on. We did and what a learning experience that was. Our cook trailer found another value to the community and we have been running that event each year since...
- This year's large project was replacing the concession stand at Annandale high School.
- 2006-2007 - President: Dwight "Dewey" Gunnarson/LaWayne "Red"
- This year's project installing new playground equipment (donated by Allina Health Care) behind the elementary school.
- 2005-2006 - Presidents: David Stifter/Dwight "Dewey" Gunnarson
- This year's large project was purchasing and replacing the playground equipment at the City Park.
- 2004-2005 - Presidents: Tom Gay/David Stifter
- City Park Picnic Shelters - A special thank you to John Lommen and the Annandale Dairy Queen for the donation of picnic tables...
- 2003-2004 - Presidents: James Latour/Tom Gay
- Rebuilt a large retaining wall at the Care Center and later that fall, a cold and rainy day as we recall, laid sod at the main building.
- 2002-2003 - Presidents: Derek Groth/James Latour
- The finishing year for Veteran's Memorial Park.
- 2001-2002 - President: Steven Bruggeman/Derek Groth
- Work continues throughout the year on Veteran's Memorial Park.
- 2000-2001 - President: James Hart/Steven Bruggeman
- The beginning year for our second largest project: Veteran's Memorial Park.
- 1999-2000 - President: Steven Niklaus/James Hart
- The Kiosk was moved from Cty Rd 5 and Hwy 55 to it's present location at Memorial Park and at this time, we updated it by replacing the manual lettering sign with an electronic sign. City of Annandale's Kiosk Photos and more
- 1998-1999 - President: Paul Hanson/Steven Niklaus
- The Annandale Lions surpassed $500,000 in donations.
- (1996-1999) Camp Friendship Various projects over the years including retaining walls, sod laying and rebuilding some of the camp's cabins. Some of the projects included joint-ventures between multiple Lions clubs and other organizations spanning weeks and involving hundreds of volunteers.
- Cardinal Kingdom - a community wide event with hundreds of volunteers. The playground project is located at the Elementary school. It was later expanded to include picnic table shelters. Photos and more
- 1997-1998 - Presidents: Stanley Otto/Paul Hanson
- The final year (of a 6 year project) - rebuilding the Pavilion at City Park. In May of that year the newly rebuilt Pavilion was dedicated in a very well attended town meeting
- 1996-1997 - Presidents: James Braun/Stanley Otto
- Work continues in rebuilding the Pavilion at City Park.
- Finding a need for a mobile grill, we built a small trailer with three - 36" griddles and began cooking pancakes for various organizations, churches and community events. This cook trailer was used through 2012. It must have seen thousands of pancakes over those many years...
- 1995-1996 - Presidents: Jerry Bowdin/James Braun
- Work continues in rebuilding the Pavilion at City Park.
- 1994-1995 - Presidents: Richard Connick/Jerry Bowdin
- Work continues in rebuilding the Pavilion at City Park.
- This year we built a Gazebo which was raffled off during the 4th of July Celebration as a fundraiser
- 1993-1994 - Presidents: Tom Klingelhutz/Richard Connick
- The beginning of our largest project ever; rebuilding the Pavilion at City Park.
- 1992-1993 - Presidents: Tom Lampi/Tom Klingelhutz
- 1991-1992 - Presidents: Bernard R. Garthe/Tom Lampi
- Lions members built a Kiosk on the corner of Hwy 55 and Cty Rd 5. The Kiosk had manually replaceable sign lettering used by the community to advertise upcoming events...
- 1990-1991 - Presidents: Carl Lindgren/Bernard R. Garthe
- Assisted bikers at the Care II Bike Classic
- 1989-1990 - Presidents: Don Hanson/Carl Lindgren
- 1988-1989 - Presidents: Tom Grega/Don Hanson
- 1987-1988 - Presidents: Art Dingmann/Tom Grega
- 1986-1987 - Presidents: David Doughty/Art Dingmann
- 1985-1986 - Presidents: Mark Miller/David Doughty
- 1984-1985 - President: Mark Miller/
- Built a screen porch at the Care Center
- 1983-1984 - Presidents: Larry Thompson/Mark Miller
- We sponsored the restart of Annandale Boy Scout Troop 354
- 1982-1983 - Presidents: Jerry Mundell/Larry Thompson
- 1981-1982 - Presidents: Bert Veldman/Jerry Mundell
- 1980-1981 - Presidents: Jim Lohse/Bert Veldman
- 1979-1980 - Presidents: Vincent Kittok/Jim Lohse
- 1978-1979 - Presidents: Al Schulzetenberg*/Vincent Kittok
- 1977-1978 - Presidents: Jack Horn/Al Schulzetenberg*
- 1976-1977 - Presidents: Clyde Ramsden/Jack Horn
- 1975-1976 - Presidents: Ralph Laurel/Clyde Ramsden
- 1974-1975 - Presidents: Stan Otto/Ralph Laurel
- 1973-1974 - Presidents: Dale Vance/Stan Otto
- 1972-1973 - Presidents: Daryl Gunnarson/Dale Vance
- 1971-1972 - Presidents: Elroy Homuth*/Daryl Gunnarson
- 1970-1971 - Presidents: Douglas Erickson*/Elroy Homuth*
- 1969-1970 - Presidents: R Gaarder/Douglas Erickson*
- 1968-1969 - Presidents: David "Dub" Ferrell*/R Gaarder
- 1967-1968 - Presidents: Ronald Peterson/David "Dub" Ferrell*
- 1966-1967 - Presidents: Jerold Brose/Ronald Peterson*
- 1965-1966 - Presidents: Lester Cheney*/Jerold Brose
- 1964-1965 - Presidents: Val Lawler*/Lester Cheney*
- 1963-1964 - Presidents: William Roth*/Val Lawler*
- 1962-1963 - Presidents: Dayton Barkley*/William Roth*
- 1962 - President: Dayton Barkley*
- Initially sponsored by the Buffalo Lions Club, we chartered November 14th 1962. The official ceremony was held January 5th 1963 at St John's Lutheran Church, there were some 200 guests and dignitaries present.